Our Team

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We promote a resilient and productive natural environment by delivering practical and creative solutions in agriculture, environment and forestry

Executive Team

Bruce McTavish, MSc, MBA, RPBio, PBiol, P.Ag
President, Senior Partner
Bruce McTavish, MSc, MBA, RPBio, PBiol, P.Ag
President, Senior Partner

Bruce has over thirty-five years of industry-related experience in the horticulture, agriculture, education, and environmental sectors of British Columbia. This includes soil and land capability assessments, environmental assessments on agricultural land, project management, strategic planning, business planning, market assessment, and facilitation of industry meetings.

Bruce is involved in the assessment of agricultural and financial damage caused by linear developments such as pipelines and highways. He carries out technical work on a wide range of agricultural commodities from greenhouses to poultry farms.

He is involved in soil and land capability assessments, land reclamation and rehabilitation for mines and linear developments, and environmental impact studies.

Bruce is a retired instructor of the Faculty of Science and Horticulture and the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

Bob Cooper, BRE
Chief Executive Officer, Partner
Bob Cooper, BRE
Chief Executive Officer, Partner

Bob Cooper has over 20 years’ experience managing projects for a broad spectrum of businesses and organizations in BC and northern Alberta.

A member of the senior management team, Bob brings extensive experience in financial management, staff management, organizational planning and leadership development to McTavish Resource and Management Consultants Ltd.

Matthew McTavish, EP, ISA Certified Arborist
VP, Environment & Forestry, Senior Partner
Matthew McTavish, EP, ISA Certified Arborist
VP, Environment & Forestry, Senior Partner

Matthew McTavish offers a unique multidisciplinary approach to the projects he is involved in. He has extensive experience working on varied projects associated with linear, industrial, and urban development and their effects on natural areas and urban interface environments. Matt has the knowledge and experience to implement a broad range of innovative solutions to the management of projects in the forestry and environmental fields.

Justin McTavish, BSc, P.Ag
VP, Agriculture & Soils, Senior Partner
Justin McTavish, BSc, P.Ag
VP, Agriculture & Soils, Senior Partner

Justin McTavish is a company senior partner and is the vice president/technical lead for all projects with agricultural and soils components. Justin holds a BSc in Applied Biology with a focus on soils and environmental studies and is able to draw on his educational background and over ten years of consulting experience to solve complex projects and provide solutions-based results.

In his role at McTavish, Justin manages various small- and large-scale projects involving baseline soil survey/assessment, GIS mapping for soil classification, soil management/assessment for construction, environmental risk mitigation, surface/groundwater management and agricultural land capability. Justin provides technical and construction support for various proponents, including municipal government, oil and gas operations and maintenance, pipeline and facility construction, linear infrastructure development, mining, and agricultural operations and development.

Cassidy Collins, BSc, RPBio, PBiol
Director, Environment, Partner
Cassidy Collins, BSc, RPBio, PBiol
Director, Environment, Partner

Cassidy is a registered professional biologist with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry, both public and private sectors, including urban and industrial development, utility, linear infrastructure, forestry and oil and gas.

Skilled in aquatic and terrestrial ecology, with a focus on freshwater aquatics in BC and Alberta. Cassidy has a proven track-record in providing solutions-based support, resource planning, and management to a wide range of clients, as well as providing technical leadership on small and large-scale projects.

Management Team

Becky Galan
Manager, People & Culture
Becky Galan
Manager, People & Culture

In her role as Manager, People & Culture Becky brings over 4 years professional experience both in Human Resource and Health and Safety administration as well as her Human Resource Management Associate Certificate.

Becky oversees all aspects of McTavish’s internal employee culture, working to create a healthy and sustainable work environment that is aligned with McTavish core values and conduct, while maintaining the highest level of quality and professionalism in Human Resources. Becky oversees all administrative levels of employee growth and success, starting from early stages of recruitment and onboarding, through to long-term success and sustainability for each employee
in their professional development and goals.

Becky also oversees all aspects of McTavish HSE program and development including internal and client specific safety requirements, incident investigation, senior level development of safety policies and procedures, and additional leadership as co-chair of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. Becky and her team are also responsible for successful completion of all annual third-party audits and certifications for maintaining McTavish’s safety record and performance in the industry.

Stacy Boczulak, MsC, P.Ag, RPBio
Manager, Agriculture & Soils
Stacy Boczulak, MsC, P.Ag, RPBio
Manager, Agriculture & Soils

Stacy has a decade of experience in terrestrial biology, soil science, and aquatic biogeochemistry. She is a Professional Agrologist and a Registered Professional Biologist in BC. Her research and applied experience includes a range of natural and human-altered ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, streams, coasts, and agroecosystems.

Stacy‘s experience in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems gives her a unique perspective and has allowed her to work on an array of projects. She has worked on environmental and agricultural impact assessments, land capability assessments, aquatic assessments, beneficial reuse of organic wastes, environmental monitoring, waste management, and wildlife salvages. Her terrestrial ecology experience includes vegetation surveying, plant and soil classification, soil sampling, and nutrient analysis. Her aquatic technical experience includes stream surveying, aquatic sampling, and salmon habitat restoration. Her soil experience includes soil classification, soil sampling, land capability assessments, agricultural assessments, waste management and nutrient analysis.

Marlene Neustadter
Marlene Neustadter

Marlene brings over 20 years of financial and administrative experience in her role as Administrative Assistant – Finance. Her wide-ranging business experience in multiple industries gives her a unique perspective and flexibility to manage critical deadlines and details in the commercial environment.

Marlene’s experience provides a strong foundation on the administration team as she helps oversee all components of the financial cycle; she has been a great asset in the fast-paced, commercial atmosphere at McTavish

Michelle Dobson, B.A. In Geography
Manager, Environment
Michelle Dobson, B.A. In Geography
Manager, Environment

Michelle has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography and more than 15 years of experience in environmental project management and coordination, assessment processes, health and safety program management, Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping stream assessments. Michelle has managed environmental monitoring projects in the construction, infrastructure, hydro, transportation, and oil and gas sectors. Michelle has completed budget management and tracking for projects valued at more than $200K, liaised with client representatives, managed staff and project scheduling, and submitted deliverables on time and on budget.

Ms. Dobson has participated in the development of numerous environmental assessments for clean energy projects in the BC Clean Energy Project Development Plan and BCEAA review processes. She participated in technical studies, assessments of potential project environmental impacts, public consultation and coordination of project open houses, and liaised with Federal and Provincial agencies to discuss projected impacts.

Michelle has experience leading field crews and has participated in extensive stream assessments using the Sensitive Habitat Inventory and Mapping methodology. Michelle has supported the development of a Project Management Office and associated policies and procedures. She has developed a project management training program and delivered training to project management professionals.

Environment & Forestry Team

Devin Robinson, R.P.Bio, P.Biol., A.Ag
Project Lead, Environment
Devin Robinson, R.P.Bio, P.Biol., A.Ag
Project Lead, Environment

Devin is a Registered Professional Biologist with over five years of valuable experience in environmental consulting, specializing in mid-stream oil and gas and renewable energy projects. Devin has demonstrated expertise in field assessment, coordination, environmental inspection, contributing to the successful delivery of various environmental programs.

As a Project LeadDevin oversees coordination and field operations of environmental professionals on various environmental projects. Devin’s role has evolved into a leadership role with a focus on large-scale construction projects, including capital pipeline initiatives, river diversions and remediation efforts. Devin is experienced with regulatory compliance and inspection.

Anna Yuill, M.Sc, R.P.Bio., FIT
Project Lead/Ecologist
Anna Yuill, M.Sc, R.P.Bio., FIT
Project Lead/Ecologist

Anna is a Registered Professional Biologist and a Forester in Training with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry, both public and private sectors, including urban development, forestry, landscape planning, and oil and gas.

Anna is skilled in wildlife biology, landscape planning, terrestrial ecology, with a focus on old growth, old forests, and ecosystems at risk in BC. She is proficient in ESRI’s ArcGIS, ENVI, Microsoft Office, and R. Anna has a proven track-record of providing solutions-based support, resource planning, and management to a wide range of clients, as well as providing technical leadership on a variety of projects.

Daniel King, B.Sc., M.E.T., R.P.Bio
Project Lead, Environment
Daniel King, B.Sc., M.E.T., R.P.Bio
Project Lead, Environment

Daniel is a Project Lead and Fisheries Biologist with 8 years of combined experience including academic and non-profit work in fisheries, aquatics, and ecotoxicology. His experience has been gained in the mining, oil and gas, and infrastructure sectors as well as academia. His experience in these sectors has included fisheries and aquatics baseline studies, fisheries monitoring and compliance programs, fish salvages, environmental assessments and environmental permitting. His technical expertise in fisheries and aquatic science includes fish population sampling, monitoring and assessment in both lakes and streams, fish habitat assessment, aquatic sciences, and aquatic toxicology. His relevant fish sampling experience includes three years of designing and leading field programs which included the use of gillnets for mark-recapture population assessments and removal for tissue metals analysis.

Daniel possesses 6 years of experience with boat operation in a professional and academic setting for the purpose of fish sampling and +10 years of experience in safe boat operation. His other fish sampling methodologies using a boat have included live fish removal and transport for use in research, mark-recapture population assessments and removal for tissue metals analysis using beach seining, shoreline fyke or trap net sets and scientific angling. Daniel holds a Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Certificate (SVOP) to operate small commercial vessels and Restricted Operator’s Certificate – Maritime for VHF radio use on small commercial vessels (ROC-M). Experience and training in the capture, transportation, husbandry, euthanasia, and disposal of live fish for research purposes.

Daniel’s professional interest in the life histories and biology of salmonid fish, as well as several other taxa. His project experience has included working directly with First Nations both representing a nation’s interests and consulting with local nations in the design and implementation of environmental programs. Through his role as director of the board for a local non-profit (the Alouette River Management Society), he has gained experience in working with multiple stakeholder groups to address complex and multi-faceted issues.

Jordyn Carss, BSc, A.Ag
Project Lead
Jordyn Carss, BSc, A.Ag
Project Lead

Jordyn is an environmental scientist and articling agrologist. She has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of British Columbia and a graduate certificate in Sustainable Food Systems and Security from Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Her education integrates physical earth processes with policy and planning and investigates the interactions of humans and their environment.

As a Project Lead, Jordyn is involved with both the management and technical elements of projects and specializes in the coordination of multidisciplinary projects/teams and the development of cohesive deliverables. Jordyn has a broad spectrum of capabilities she has gained through her experience providing consulting services to engineers, government bodies, contractors, and private clients. She has been trained in ecology and agrology and has worked on projects pertaining to environmental and agricultural impact assessments, fish and wildlife salvages and surveys, vegetation management, water quality sampling and analysis, reclamation, literature reviews, and spatial data management and visualization.

Jace Standish, M.Sc, RPF, P.Ag
Senior Ecologist
Jace Standish, M.Sc, RPF, P.Ag
Senior Ecologist

Jace holds a BSF in forest management and a MS (Soil Science) from the University of British Columbia.

Between 1991 and 2020, Jace taught courses in plant identification, soils, terrestrial ecosystem classification, aerial remote sensing, and environmental assessment at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). He also served as Program Head for Forestry and for the Ecological Restoration degree program. 

Jace has worked in natural resource and environmental consulting for over 40 years. Before joining McTavish, he worked with Talisman Land Resource Consultants, Norecol Environmental Consultants, Westland Resource Group, Stewart & Ewing Associates (SEAFOR), Rescan Environmental Consultants and as an independent consultant for various public and private sector clients. He has worked in all regions of British Columbia, as well as Alberta, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory, Nunavut, Ontario, New Hampshire, California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Guyana and the Dominican Republic.

Jace has worked in the fields of soil survey, ecosystem classification, land capability and suitability mapping, environmental assessment and permitting. He has authored technical papers on mining reclamation, forest biomass, deforestation, soil development, soil degradation and ecological classification.

Jace has also carried out biogeoclimatic ecosystem mapping of Tree Farm Licenses 1 and 41, as well as the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to help implement the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification. He was Education Coordinator for the Canada-Guyana Interim Forestry Project, Project Leader for BCIT’s Yew Tree Project, and Project Manager for a 3-year study to develop a forest biomass prediction system in British Columbia for the Canadian Forest Service.

Mike McKay, B.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate
Project Biologist
Mike McKay, B.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate
Project Biologist

Michael is a Fisheries Biologist with seven years of combined work experience in environmental consulting, fisheries, and academia. He has gained a diverse skillset in study design and implementation of standardized/novel field-based procedures related to the characterization and monitoring of fish and aquatics, including assessments of habitat and population health.

Michael has demonstrated an aptitude in collection, comprehension, analyzation, interpretation, and communication of scientific information, and a strong capacity to lead, think critically, and adapt to all professional environments. He aspires to contribute to the environmental field by engaging solution-driven and scientifically motivated practice for complex environmental issues, especially those relating to the monitoring and toxicology of fishes and aquatics.

Jasper Smith, P.Ag
Environmental Specialist
Jasper Smith, P.Ag
Environmental Specialist

Jasper is an Environmental Specialist with over 5 years of professional consulting experience in aquatic and terrestrial ecology, environmental impact assessment, and environmental monitoring throughout British Columbia and Alberta. His experience includes coordinating and managing field crews to support permitting and large-scale fish and amphibian salvage and environmental inspection to support construction. His role as Environmental Specialist has included water quality monitoring, restoration, and fish and wildlife surveys for provincial and federal regulatory applications and projects in the transportation, infrastructure, marine services, and oil and gas sectors.

Jasper has significant experience with field navigation, data collection, and operating off-highway vehicles, trailers, and both propeller and jet drive boats while conducting field studies. He has diverse experience authoring scientific communications, including technical data reports, responses to clients, and First Nations stakeholder engagement, and wildlife and fish salvage permit applications

Claudia Shaughnessy, B.I.T.
Environmental Specialist
Claudia Shaughnessy, B.I.T.
Environmental Specialist

Claudia is a Biologist in Training with a background in fisheries management, conservation, and ecological restoration. She has experience in consulting and is currently contributing to the delivery of major, multidisciplinary projects. As a consultant, Claudia has filled a variety of roles and supported experts in many disciplines including vegetation, wildlife, fish, species-at-risk, and environmental monitoring. Claudia has also worked in the public and non-profit sectors, participating in baseline studies and research for conservation species in population decline.

Claudia has a broad range of experience conducting wildlife surveys and salvages, writing technical reports and deliverables for clients, wildlife conservation, and conducting environmental baseline surveys for applied research projects. She is skilled in wildlife identification throughout several taxa, data management, and visualization using a variety of tools and software including ArcGIS.

Francesca Hoock, RBTech in Training
Environmental Specialist
Francesca Hoock, RBTech in Training
Environmental Specialist

Francesca is a Registered Biology Technologist in Training and Environmental Professional in training with two years’ experience working in various environmental fields. Francesca provides technical support and environmental monitoring on several small and large-scale projects/programs including Trans Mountain Operation’s Vegetation Management Program and Trans Mountain Expansion Project.

Bowen Sly, R.F.T. (2142)
Environmental Specialist (Forest Ecology)
Bowen Sly, R.F.T. (2142)
Environmental Specialist (Forest Ecology)

Bowen Sly is an Environmental Specialist with an emphasis on forested ecosystems. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Ecological Restoration and a Sustainable Resource Management Technology diploma through the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Bowen provides support in infrastructure and resource projects at a range of scales and throughout B.C. Bowen has worked primarily in private sector roles and has experience with a variety of forestry and environmental responsibilities involving forest management, environmental assessment, soil classification, and geographic information systems (GIS).

As a forestry professional, Bowen supports the governance of professional forestry through involvement with the Forest Professionals of British Columbia as a Credentials Committee member and previously as a full-term Board member.

Cassie McMartin, B.Sc., B.I.T.
Environmental Specialist
Cassie McMartin, B.Sc., B.I.T.
Environmental Specialist

Cassie is a Biologist in Training with a background in the forestry sector, specializing in forest health and post wildfire assessments. Cassie holds a Bachelor of Science degree and has over 4 years of experience in environmental consulting.
Her variety of experience lies in a range of sectors with an emphasis in terrestrial wildlife, species at risk, and environmental compliance. Cassie has supported major multidisciplinary projects both as a resource specialist consultant and a compliance manager for large civil construction firms ensuring environmental regulations and standards are upheld. Cassie has wide range of experience with wildlife surveys and salvages, collecting and analyzing data for baseline studies, preconstruction population data, and habitat offsets. She has strong taxa identification in both vegetation and
wildlife and her forestry background has provided her with strong mapping and analysis skills in Arc GIS.

Amanda Watson, B.Sc
Environmental Specialist
Amanda Watson, B.Sc
Environmental Specialist

Amanda holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecological Restoration and a diploma in Forestry and Natural Areas Management, complemented by four years of experience working with marine ecosystems in the environmental consulting sector. She has successfully contributed to a range of projects involving field monitoring, regulatory compliance, and environmental assessments.

Her expertise includes bio-inventories, marine mammal observation, water-quality monitoring and dredge monitoring for in-water construction projects. Amanda is also experienced with data collection and management, technical report writing, and using Microsoft Office, as well as water sampling procedures and equipment handling. She is skilled in plant identification and working on boats in inclement weather conditions. Her critical thinking and systematic approach ensure a balanced focus on environmental protection and operation efficiency.

Becca Archer, B.Sc., BIT
Environmental Specialist
Becca Archer, B.Sc., BIT
Environmental Specialist

Becca is a Biologist in Training registered with the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists and has over 1 year of experience in the environmental consulting industry. She has a diverse range of field experience which includes a variety of wildlife salvages, bird surveys/sweeps, environmental monitoring, pre-disturbance wildlife habitat surveys, and working with species at risk. Becca also has experience in technical writing and data collection of various forms. She is skilled in field navigation and utilizing an array of field equipment from water quality sondes to ARUs.

Andres Street, B.NRS
Environmental Specialist
Andres Street, B.NRS
Environmental Specialist

Andres is an accomplished Environmental Specialist with over three years of experience in natural resource management and environmental monitoring. Andres’s career includes significant contributions to high-profile projects, such as the Alta Gas Ridley Island Export Facility and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, where he has led and supported initiatives in migratory bird surveys, amphibian salvages, stream assessments, and environmental compliance monitoring. Andres holds a Bachelor of Natural Resource Sciences, which, combined with his hands-on field experience, equips him with a robust understanding of ecological systems and sustainable practices. Andres is driven by a commitment to advance environmental stewardship and deliver impactful solutions that support conservation and sustainable development

Shan Gao, ABT
Environmental Technician
Shan Gao, ABT
Environmental Technician

Shan is an Biology Technician in Training with a background in fisheries management, conservation, forestry and ecological restoration. She has experience in consulting and is currently contributing to the delivery of major, multidisciplinary projects. As a consultant, Shan has filled a variety of roles and supported experts in many disciplines including vegetation, wildlife, fisheries, species-at-risk, and environmental monitoring.

Shan has a broad range of experience conducting fish and wildlife surveys and salvages, forestry assessments, writing technical reports and deliverables for clients, wildlife conservation, and conducting environmental baseline surveys for applied research projects. She is skilled in wildlife identification throughout several taxa, data management, and visualization using a variety of tools and software including ArcGIS

Haley Swinden, B.Sc R.P.Bio
Project Coordinator
Haley Swinden, B.Sc R.P.Bio
Project Coordinator

Haley has a Bachelor of Science in Animal Biology and more than 5 years of experience in environmental project coordination and coordination, permitting, health and safety program management and fish capture and salvage. Haley has coordinated logistics, resourcing and communicating with various clients to schedule and support field programs. She has coordinated up to 50 field staff over two provinces. Haley has excellent communication, organizational and technical writing skills. Haley is also experienced in data entry and record keeping as well as database management and manipulation.

Steven Brown, B.Sc, P.Biol
Project Biologist
Steven Brown, B.Sc, P.Biol
Project Biologist

Steven is a professional Biologist (P.Biol). with 12 years of experience in the Environmental and
construction sectors. Steven has gained valuable experience working in marine, freshwater and
terrestrial habitats, his experience includes working in the Arctic, Europe, and Africa.

Steven is experienced in conducting Riparian Assessments, Aquatic Assessments, Fish &
Amphibian Salvages. Including the sampling and safe handling of various marine, freshwater,
and terrestrial species (fish, amphibians, bivalves, crustaceans, chitons, seaweed, kelp, and plant
species), Wildlife Surveys, Bird Nest Sweeps, Terrestrial Surveys, Underwater Noise Monitoring
and marine mammal observation (MMO).

Steven has been Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) for large-scale construction
activities (Mines, Pipelines, Ports, Rail, Road, and Bridges), working closely with First Nations,
government agencies, clients, and construction contractors to ensure the highest standards of
communication, safety, environmental protection, and compliance. Steven’s responsibilities
have included: the production and Implementation of Environmental Management Plans,
conducting environmental audits, construction compliance monitoring (Erosion and Sediment
Control (ESC), water quality, Soil sampling, dust/particulates sampling, Noise emission and
vibration monitoring, including instrument set up, calibration, data analysis and reporting.
Steven has also been integral in the production of technical reports, memos, daily and weekly
field reports, including the submission of DFO and WSA permit applications for construction
works occurring in or around water.

Agriculture & Soils Team

Megan Ludwig, M.Sc., P.Ag
Senior Project Agrologist
Megan Ludwig, M.Sc., P.Ag
Senior Project Agrologist

Megan is a Professional Agrologist with nearly a decade of experience in soil, water resources and agricultural sciences. She holds a Master’s degree from the University of British Columbia in Environmental Sciences where she studied phosphorus movement through the Shuswap Watershed. She is also an experienced teacher, having taught courses on agricultural capability assessments as well as water resources.

Megan has six years of consulting experience working as a Project Manager. In her role at McTavish, Megan leads the technical and coordination aspects of projects of all scales that involve agricultural management.  Leveraging her expertise in project management, community engagement, and regulatory compliance, she consistently delivers projects that strike a balance between safeguarding agricultural resources and fulfilling development objectives.

Theresa Loewen, M.Sc., P.Ag
Senior Project Agrologist
Theresa Loewen, M.Sc., P.Ag
Senior Project Agrologist

Theresa has nine years of experience as an environmental scientist and agrologist, accredited with the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA). She is a Master of Science graduate from the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) as part of the research team with The Okanagan Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services (BRAES).

Prior to joining the McTavish team in 2024 as a Senior Project Agrologist, Theresa worked in private sector environmental and agricultural consulting, education and non-profit, and for the
Province of British Columbia. Her experience includes leading teams of agrologists and biologists, full-cycle project management of a portfolio of large and small scale environmental and agricultural projects, environmental impact assessments, agricultural capability assessments, ecological field inventories, soil surveys, terrestrial and riparian habitat
assessments and restoration plans, and environmental and agricultural monitoring.

Theresa is actively involved in her local community as Director of the BCIA Okanagan Branch, Chair of the Okanagan College Environmental Studies Program Advisory Committee, Committee Member of the UBCO Women in Science program, and Committee Member of the Okanagan Basin Water Board’s Water Stewardship Council.

Amy Sigsworth, BSc, P.Ag
Project Agrologist
Amy Sigsworth, BSc, P.Ag
Project Agrologist

Amy Sigsworth is an agriculture and soil scientist. She holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Ottawa and a Master of Land and Water Systems from the University of British Columbia where she specialized in soils and agriculture.

In her role at McTavish, Amy participates and leads technical and coordination aspects of small- and large-scale projects involving soil management and assessments and agricultural land capability assessments for private clients, municipal governments, and primary industry. Amy has considerable hands-on farm experience in organic mixed vegetable and fruit production, and dairy and beef cattle farming. Her education and farm experience facilitates a bridge between science and practical application.

Alex Kramer, M.Sc P.Ag
Project Agrologist
Alex Kramer, M.Sc P.Ag
Project Agrologist

Alex is a Project Lead for agriculture and soil projects with McTavish. Alex holds a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and a Master’s of Science in Soil Science, allowing him to draw on a diverse set of knowledge and experience to tackle complex projects.

At McTavish, Alex has worked on both large- and small-scale projects focused on baseline soil assessments, soil surveys and classification, soil management/assessment for construction, agricultural land capability, and environmental permitting and regulatory support.

Jeff Hicks, Cert. Arboriculture
Project Specialist, Landscape
Jeff Hicks, Cert. Arboriculture
Project Specialist, Landscape

Jeff Hicks has 30 years of industry-related experience in the Canadian horticulture industry. Jeff has held management positions in a number of larger nursery operations including Pickett’s Nursery, Edgewater Plants and Specimen Trees. From 2014 to 2020 he was commercial sales manager for Edgewater Plants. Jeff has close alliances with landscapers, landscape architects and nurseries in British Columbia.

Jeff is responsible for the landscape assessments, reclamation planning, budgeting and implementation for a variety of McTavish projects including linear developments, municipal and private developments.

Franco López Campomanes, BSc., P.Ag
Franco López Campomanes, BSc., P.Ag

Franco is an agrologist and soil scientist. He is accredited through the BC Institute of Agrologists as a Professional Agrologist. Franco holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology with a major in Plant and Soil Science from the University of British Columbia.

Franco has two years of consulting experience. In his role at McTavish, Franco conducts soil surveys, agricultural land capability assessments and mapping, and construction inspections related to soil and agriculture. Franco has experience in a variety of agricultural research projects focusing on sustainable soil management, livestock grazing rotation, and over-wintering cover cropping. Franco also has farm experience working in organic vegetable production and livestock management. He has worked in both the public and private sectors.

Bryan Driscoll, M.Sc., P.Ag
Agricultural Technician
Bryan Driscoll, M.Sc., P.Ag
Agricultural Technician

Bryan is a Professional Agrologist accredited with the BC Institute of Agrologists. He holds a Master’s degree in Soil Science from the University of British Columbia.

Bryan has experience in both the private and public sectors, including agricultural impact assessments, land capability assessments, and agricultural monitoring, providing technical and field support on a variety of small- and large-scale projects.

Max Hoyer, BSc. A.Ag
Soil Technician
Max Hoyer, BSc. A.Ag
Soil Technician

Max Hoyer is a soil technician at McTavish. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) certificate through the University of the Fraser Valley.

In his role at McTavish, Max provides support for large-scale infrastructure and resource development projects throughout British Columbia. Max has worked in both the public and private sectors and has experience in a variety of environmental and agricultural fields including soil classification, forage crop management, agricultural research, and GIS mapping.

Business Operations & Administrative Team

Jackie Schmitke
Administrative Assistant – Safety
Jackie Schmitke
Administrative Assistant – Safety

With over a decade of communications and administrative experience for her role as the primary Health and Safety representative for McTavish, Jackie supports the implementation of all aspects of the McTavish Safety program both for employees and subcontractors. Jackie coordinates personnel safety onboarding, communications on daily field safety routines, as well as ongoing training and safety drills. She also handles all administration of incident reporting, investigations, and lessons learned.

As a key member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, Jackie coordinates all internal safety communications, policy reviews, and safety auditing and she ensures that McTavish remains compliant with all project and client specific safety requirements, including drug and alcohol testing, site and safety orientations, and scope-specific training for all McTavish projects.

Courtney Kellock, BTech, R.P.Bio
HSE & Field Logistics Lead
Courtney Kellock, BTech, R.P.Bio
HSE & Field Logistics Lead

Courtney Kellock holds a Bachelor of Technology in Ecological Restoration and a Diploma of Technology in Renewable Resources Fish, Wildlife and Recreation and has over 13 years of field experience within the environmental discipline.

Courtney has participated in a variety of fisheries, reptilian, and community restoration projects as well as construction monitoring across the lower mainland. She has conducted fish and amphibian salvages, nesting bird surveys, species at risk inventories, effectiveness monitoring of habitat compensation sites, and riparian area assessments throughout British Columbia.

As Field and Equipment Logistics coordinator at McTavish, Courtney uses her extensive technical field knowledge for providing expertise in project execution, logistics, and safety compliance in McTavish field programs. Courtney oversees all technical and safety equipment calibration, procurement, and training as well as supporting the Environment teams in a technical capacity as needed.

Paul Gibbs, BSc (Kinesiology)
Field & Logistics Support
Paul Gibbs, BSc (Kinesiology)
Field & Logistics Support

Paul Gibbs holds a BSc in Kinesiology. He worked for 30 years at Simon Fraser University, serving in a variety of roles.

His athletic background and additional experience in construction make him an asset to support field logistics and manage material assets for McTavish projects.

Paul provides on-site communication and inspections to ensure the company’s safety compliance in the field.

Lynn Chisholm McTavish, RN BScN MPH
Senior Advisor, Health and Safety
Lynn Chisholm McTavish, RN BScN MPH
Senior Advisor, Health and Safety

Lynn Chisholm is a Registered Nurse and holds a BSc (Nursing) and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the University of Liverpool, England School of Medicine.

Lynn manages ISNetworld and eRailSafe training for Company employees.  She is the Company contact person for HSE policy matters.  Lynn is the senior editor of McTavish professional reports.

Lynn has been a Registered Nurse in various line and supervisory roles in the fields of primary care, occupational health and public health for almost 40 years.  In her role as a Federal civil servant Lynn provided hands-on nursing duties, staff supervision and management for First Nations communities in the geographic northeast of BC. Lynn retired from the Federal Government in 2014, but returned to active duty in 2016 to provide hands-on home and community care services and community health services to a small local First Nation.


Geoff Hughes-Games, BSc, P.Ag
Soil Specialist/Senior Agrologist
Geoff Hughes-Games, BSc, P.Ag
Soil Specialist/Senior Agrologist

Geoff Hughes-Games is Professional Agrologist with over 35 years’ experience in agricultural soil management including soil classification and land use. Geoff’s training and education focused on irrigation, soils, agri-environmental risk assessment and adult education. Geoff began his agriculture career in Alberta with work on soil reclamation. Prior to beginning his 29 year career with the BC Government, he worked in the public and private sectors on activities ranging from nutrient research in tree fruits to marketing of crop protection products.

Geoff began work with the BC Ministry of Agriculture as a technician in the area of soil management and drainage projects. As Provincial Soil Specialist he assisted with the development of legislation and policy for organic residuals management from agricultural and non-agricultural sources. He was instrumental in the development and management of environmental programs, including the BC Environmental Farm Plan and Beneficial Management Practices Programs.

Geoff has training and experience in emergency response and recovery efforts, particularly in relation to flooding, animal disease, spill and debris flow events.

Geoff co-authored several publications including Soil Management Handbooks for both the Fraser Valley and the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys, the BC Agricultural Drainage Manual, and the Reference Guide and Planning Workbook for the BC Environmental Farm Plan Program.

Giles Stevenson, Dipl RNS
Project Specialist, Reclamation
Giles Stevenson, Dipl RNS
Project Specialist, Reclamation

Giles’ background and education are in the restoration of natural systems and in landscape design. He has extensive practical experience in administering Environmental Protection Plans (EPPs) for pipeline construction and reclamation.

Since 1988 Giles has provided services to linear development projects throughout Western Canada in environmental planning, field coordination, environmental inspection during construction, and implementation of reclamation plans.

Giles works to ensure that environmental concerns are identified, assessed, and communicated to clients and stakeholders. He assists in developing practical mitigation measures to meet environmental objectives.

During construction Giles’ roles have included Field Environmental Coordinator and Senior or Lead Environmental Inspector.

Darrell Zbeetnoff, MSc, P.Ag
Associate, Senior Agricultural Economist
Darrell Zbeetnoff, MSc, P.Ag
Associate, Senior Agricultural Economist

Darrell Zbeetnoff holds a MSc in agricultural economics and farm management, a MNRM in land/water use management, and a MA in anthropology. Darrell is a Professional Agrologist and certified agricultural consultant with over 30 years’ experience in agricultural business planning and strategic analysis, feasibility assessments, agro-environmental impact assessments, and project analysis and evaluation. As a Registered Environmental Farm Plan planning advisor, he has completed over 100 environmental farm plans and over 20 associated riparian assessments and management plans for BC farmers.

Mr. Zbeetnoff has provided services to agricultural sectors ranging from greenhouses, nursery and berries to livestock, poultry, mushrooms and functional foods. He has undertaken agricultural area planning and strategies for the province, Regional Districts and municipalities in BC and assisted local governments in incorporating agriculture into their industrial plans, in which challenges and opportunities facing agricultural sector are regularly articulated.

He has been involved in the assessment and evaluation of issues affecting the BC agricultural industry and is intimately familiar with the economic environment and decision processes associated with agricultural business planning.

Hubert Timmenga, PhD, P.Ag
Associate, Senior Soil Scientist
Hubert Timmenga, PhD, P.Ag
Associate, Senior Soil Scientist

Dr. Hubert Timmenga is a soil scientist, environmental practitioner and inventor. He specializes in sustainable agriculture and beneficial use of organic waste and composting, and product and process development.

Hubert specializes in creating solutions based on the convergence of planning, regulations, systems and technologies. His project and research experience includes; agricultural planning, research strategy, environmental assessments, and waste management feasibility studies. Hubert’s professional expertise includes design, permitting and monitoring of composting facilities, technology reviews, beneficial reuse of organic and inorganic waste materials in agricultural production, preparation and review of agricultural guidelines and regulations in BC, and studies involving forestry and other land uses, including greenhouse gas and carbon credits.

Raymond Wladichuk, BSc PGeo GDBA
Project Manager
Raymond Wladichuk, BSc PGeo GDBA
Project Manager

Raymond Wladichuk is a Professional Geologist and practicing member in good standing with Engineers and Geoscientists BC under the discipline of Environmental Geoscience.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences and a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University.  He resides on a farm in the Okanagan where he both practices and experiments with agricultural sciences.

Raymond provides geoscience, construction, and management consulting services to the natural resource and construction industries.  He has held geoscientist and engineering geologist roles for very large geotechnical engineering and construction projects, and geologist roles in mining and mineral exploration.  He holds executive level management roles in the natural resource industry for public and private companies.

Claudio Bianchini, RPBio Associate
Senior Wildlife Biologist
Claudio Bianchini, RPBio Associate
Senior Wildlife Biologist

Claudio has over 27 years’ experience in the areas of environmental biology and wildlife management, as both a biologist and research technician. Claudio has provided environmental consulting services pertaining to wildlife, vegetation, and species at risk for both the private and public sectors. He has extensive experience in working in remote locations as well as in urban settings. Many of these projects included both fieldwork and report writing involving multidisciplinary teams and First Nations.

As a wildlife biologist, he has a broad background in terrestrial and marine environments. Claudio’s project experience includes British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Alaska, and the Canadian Arctic