McTavish provides natural resource management and environmental services associated with small and large-scale development, infrastructure, and resource industry projects including activities in the utility, forestry, oil and gas sectors.

Key services include:
- Environmental assessments and impact assessments, including mitigation and compensation planning
- Federal, provincial, and municipal environmental permit applications and notifications
- Liaison with federal, provincial, and municipal regulatory agencies
- Stream classifications and mapping, fish and fish habitat assessments, and riparian assessments
- Construction monitoring, including erosion and sediment control and water quality management
- Preparation of Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plans, Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) and detailed planting plans
- Riparian restoration, including sourcing of plants and oversight of reclamation activities
- General land reclamation, including planning and coordination, plant selection, installation of ESC measures and hydroseeding
- Fish and wildlife salvages and inventories
- Ecosystem and vegetation mapping
- GIS mapping
- Wildlife and vegetation assessments
- Migratory bird nest surveys and pre-construction nest surveys
- Vegetation management, including invasive and noxious plants
- Soil surveys